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You would hit the ground if you knew exactly what a hiring manager would be asking you in a job interview. 虽然这几乎是不可能知道的, we offer you 15 most commonly asked interview questions and the most relevant answers to them.

Our recommendation is to spend some time getting comfortable with what you might be asked. We aim to help you demonstrate that you’re the right person for the job.

1. 你能介绍一下你自己吗?

Since this question seems simple many people fail to prepare for it, but it is vital. 在这里’s the hint: Don’t just give your complete employment or personal history. Tell your brief and compelling story that will show why you’re the right fit for the job. Begin with couple of specific accomplishments or experiences that would most impress the interviewer then finish off talking about how that previous experience has positioned you for this specific job.

2. 你是怎么知道这个职位的?

这是另一个看似无辜的问题. However, it is a great opportunity to stand out and demonstrate your passion for the company. Hint: if you found out about the job through your friend or professional contact, 说出那个人的名字. 还要告诉你为什么对它如此兴奋. 如果你是通过某个事件或文章了解到这份工作的, 分享并解释是什么让你申请这个职位.

3. 你对我们公司了解多少?

Through this question they want to know whether you care about the company. Hint: So start off with one line that shows you understand the company’s goals, embellishing it with a couple of key words and phrases from the website. Don’t literally repeat company mission and statement, try to make it personal. 说, “I personally believe in this approach because…” and then share couple other personal examples.

4. 你为什么想要这份工作?

You need to have a great answer about why you want the position. 这是必须的. 在这里 is the hint: Identify a couple of key factors that make the role a great fit for you. 说, “I love negotiations because I adore the constant human interaction and the satisfaction that comes from landing a desired outcome. 你也可以分享你为什么喜欢这家公司, “我一直热衷于帮助社区, 我认为你们公司做得很好, 所以我想成为这段旅程的一部分.”

5. 我们为什么要雇佣你?

This question offers a great opportunity for you to sell yourself and your skills to the hiring manager. Your job here is to furnish an answer that covers three areas: 1. You can not only do the work, you can deliver great results; 2. You’ll best fit in with the team and culture; 3. 你比其他任何候选人都更合适.

6. 你最大的职业优势是什么?

根据面试教练的说法,你需要准确, 在回答这个问题的时候是相关的和具体的. 你需要分享你真正的优势, talk about your strengths that are most related to the particular position, 分享自己的优势, 比如谈判技巧, 建立关系. But make sure following up with examples of how you’ve demonstrated these features in your professional life.

7. 你认为你的缺点是什么?

Don’t try to kid an interviewer while responding to this seemingly cliché question. They are trying to understand your self-awareness and honesty. Tell them something that you struggle with but you’re working hard to improve. 说, “我从来不擅长公开演讲, but I’m recently volunteered to facilitate meetings to be more comfortable when addressing a crowd.

8. Tell me about a challenge you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

在这里 your interviewer wants to get a sense of how you will respond to conflict. 你可以在面试中表现得很好, but what will happen if you’re hired and someone in ethics and compliance team starts getting in your face? You’ll need to focus on how you handled a conflict situation professionally and productively, 讲述你是如何达成解决方案或妥协的.

9. 你梦想的工作是什么?

In asking this question the interviewer wants to uncover whether this job is really in line with your ultimate career goals. So it would be better to talk about your goals and ambitions and explain why this job will get you closer to them.

10. 你在新岗位上追求的是什么?

为了更好地处理这个面试问题, you will need to tell the same things that this position has to offer. 但是你的回答要具体.

11. 你喜欢什么样的工作环境?

The ideal answer would be referring to the one that’s similar to the environment of the company you’re applying to. 再次强调,要具体.

12. 为什么你的工作有一段空档期?

如果你的工作经历中有一段空白期, be straight in your answer and direct the conversation toward how you will do the job and contribute to the organization. 说, 当时我决定休息一下, but today I’m ready to contribute to this organization in the following ways. Try to suggest specific help referring to the job description.

13. 你对薪水有什么要求?

If you’ve made it to this question that might mean the company is interested in you. Before answering this question you should be doing your research on what you should be paid by using sites like Glassdoor. We recommend stating the highest number in that range that applies, 根据你的经验, 教育, 和技能. You’ll also need to make sure the hiring manager knows that you’re flexible. 你的立场是你知道你的技能是有价值的, 但你想要这份工作,并且愿意谈判.

14. 下班后你喜欢做什么?

在这里, an interviewer wants to “see if candidates will fit in with the company culture and give them the opportunity to open up and display their personality, 也. 尽量保持半专业的语气, so: Telling them you like hanging out with your friends in a local tea-house after playing with them indoor soccer is absolutely fine.

15. 你有什么问题要问我们吗?

You probably already know that an interview is a great platform for candidates to get firsthand information about the employer. However, instead of asking cliché questions like what does the position offer? Or what is the main deliverables of the department, ask questions targeted to the interviewer. For example, say, “what is your favorite part about working here? Or something along these lines, “what can you tell me about your new products or plans for growth?”